The attenuated correlations for the inputs you gave are:
This shows the plot and you can see a table of all the attenuated correlations for all the inputs you gave in the tab 'All_data'
You can use the dialogue below the plot to download it chosing the name and the format of the plot
Thanks to Keith Newman for the download handler: shinyDownload
This shows all the data for the selected range of unattended correlations. Buttons at the bottom allow you to export the data.
This is ancient psychometrics but still of some use. For more information, see:
The formula is simple:
$$attenuatedR = unattenuatedR * \sqrt{rel_{x} * rel_{y}}$$
The short summary is that unreliability in the measurement of both variables involved in a correlation always reduces the observed correlation between the variables from what it would have been had the variables been measured with no unreliability (which is essentially impossible for any self-report measures and pretty much any measures used in our fields.)
App created 9.x.24 by Chris Evans
Last updated 12.x.24.
Licenced under a Creative Commons, Attribution Licence-ShareAlike Please respect that and put an acknowledgement and link back to here if re-using anything from here.
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