What appears in the new dataset is the data for any rows that had any non-missing data

Date and ID are converted to character data, scores are prorated by CORE rules and are as follows.

As you have full CORE-OM data, generally you will only be interested its scores, perhaps including the CORE-6D utility score. However, as you may also have CORE-10 or CORE-SF data, or even perhaps CORE-GP data, for the same people I have added the scores for the embedded items of the CORE-10, CORE-SF/A, CORE-SF/B and CORE-GP as well as the CORE-OM scores.

Personally, I do not recommend using the CORE-OM or CORE-SF domain scores unless you have a very specific research or clinical reason to do so. The well-being, problems and function scores are generally very highly correlated (hence the non-risk score), and the risk itemsare clinically, i.e. with individuals, best treated sensibly within the clinical relationship as 'flags' of risk issues rather than as a conventional scale score.

  • nMissing: the total number of missing items across the 34 items
  • CORE-OM scores
    • COREOMtot: CORE-OM mean item score across all 34 items (or down to 31 items if some missing)
    • COREOMnonRisk: CORE-OM mean item score across the 28 non-risk items (or down to 25 items if some items missing)
    • COREOMwellB: CORE-OM well-being score across the four well-being items (no pro-rating, this is the well-being score for the SF/A and SF/B as the same four well-being items are present in the CORE-OM, CORE-SF/A and CORE-SF/B)
    • COREOMprob: CORE-OM mean item score across the 12 problem items (or 11 if only one is missing)
    • COREOMfunc: CORE-OM mean item score across the 12 function items (or 11 if only one is missing)
    • COREOMrisk: CORE-OM mean item score across the six risk items (no pro-rating)
  • CORE-SF/A scores
    • CORESFAtot: CORE-SF/A mean item score across its 18 items (or down to 16 if some items missing)
    • CORESFAprob: CORE-SF/A mean item score across its six problem items (no pro-rating)
    • CORESFAfunc: CORE-SF/A mean item score across its six function items (no pro-rating)
    • CORESFArisk: CORE-SF/A mean item score across its two risk items (no pro-rating)
  • CORE-SF/B scores
    • CORESFBtot: CORE-SF/B mean item score across its 18 items (or down to 16 if some items missing)
    • CORESFBprob: CORE-SF/B mean item score across its six problem items (no pro-rating)
    • CORESFBfunc: CORE-SF/B mean item score across its six function items (no pro-rating)
    • CORESFBrisk: CORE-SF/B mean item score across its two risk items (no pro-rating)
  • CORE-GP (no domain scores)
    • COREOMGP: score across the 14 CORE-GP items (or down to 13 if some items missing)
  • CORE-6D
    • COREOM6Draw: mean item score across the six items (academic interest only)
    • C6Dut: the CORE-6D preference-based utility score

App created 16.iv.24 by Chris Evans at this point specifically for Oiatillo Temirov for checking his data. PSYCTC.org

Last updated 21.iv.24.

Licenced under a Creative Commons, Attribution Licence-ShareAlike Please respect that and put an acknowledgement and link back to here if re-using anything from here.

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