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Thanks to Keith Newman for the download handler: shinyDownload

This lists all the DOIs and URLs

If you want to find the papers using these you can search within the table with the search box

This lists the non-CORE measures where one was used

If you want to find the papers using any of these you can search within the table with the search box

Resource constraints meant that we could only do our thorough searching to 2021. However, if you want to find papers that have emerged since you can use the searches based on those we used.

I am assuming that you have some familiarity with these search resources, if not, find a colleague who has or do some searching for help!

With any of these searches I am afraid you will find a fair number of falsely identified papers so filter carefully and bear in mind that our database came from combining findings across these three resources and then removing papers that weren't about CORE and removing duplicates that had come from more than one resource.


If you have access to Clarivate's resources you can get into SCOPUS then this is the search that we used. Alternatively, I believe that the button should copy that text to your clipboard on most modern browsers and platforms.

ALL ( "clinical outcomes in routine evaluation" OR "Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure" OR coreom OR "CORE-OM" OR "CORE OM" OR "CORE-10" OR "YP-CORE" OR "CORE-SF" OR "CORE-A" OR "CORE-TAF" OR "CORE-EoT " OR "CORE-5" OR "GP-CORE" OR "LD-CORE" OR "Young Person's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation" OR "Young Person's CORE" OR "Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10" ) AND PUBYEAR > 1997 AND ( LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "PSYC" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "NEUR" ) OR LIMIT-TO ( SUBJAREA , "HEAL" ) ) AND ( EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "BIOC" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "AGRI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "COMP" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "IMMU" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "BUSI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ENGI" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "PHAR" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "MATH" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "PHYS" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "CENG" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "CHEM" ) OR EXCLUDE ( SUBJAREA , "ECON" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) ) AND (LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE , "English" ) OR LIMIT-TO (LANGUAGE , "Spanish" ))

Alternatively, this next button will give you a dialogue to save that search text to your local computer as a file.

Download SCOPUS search text

We have found that some days Scopus grumbles about the search for reasons we don't understand! Good luck!

Web of Science

Again you have to be logged into Clarivate but then you should be able to launch this URL:

That defaults to give you the search we used up to but if you click on the search you can change the upper date from 31/12/2021 to whatever you want


Go to:

then paste in this query:

(((((((((((((((("clinical outcomes in routine evaluation") OR ("Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-Outcome Measure")) OR (coreom)) OR ("CORE-OM")) OR ("CORE OM")) OR ("CORE-10")) OR ("YP-CORE")) OR ("CORE-SF")) OR ("CORE-A")) OR ("CORE-TAF")) OR ("CORE-EoT")) OR ("CORE-5")) OR ("GP-CORE")) OR ("LD-CORE")) OR ("Young Person's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation")) OR ("Young Person's CORE")) OR ("Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10")

Again, if you hit the button below you will be given a dialogue to save that search text to your local computer.

Download PubMed search text

Once the search is conducted you can click on these 'Article Type' filters to match our search:

  • Clinical Trial
  • Meta-Analysis
  • Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Review
  • Systematic Review

You can also search for different publication languages of papers found using the language filters.

App started 10.v.24 by Chris Evans.

Last updated 21.i.25: added searching in paper titles.

Licenced under a Creative Commons, Attribution Licence-ShareAlike Please respect that and put an acknowledgement and link back to here if re-using anything from here.