If you have generated your sample this shows the same as a long table with two variables, the row number and then the values. The buttons at the bottom allow you to export the data.

Computation background

This uses the built in random number generation functions, currently rnorm() and runif() that are in the standard, i.e. attached by default, package 'stats'. This run used R version.


Rather than putting more about them here where they might get out of date, I suspect that if you want more detail, you are geeky enough to find the information by getting your own copy of R and using that or by searching on the internet.

Next please ...

Unless you are very familiar with it, please now go to the 'Background' tab and read the information there.

App created 7.iv.24 by Chris Evans PSYCTC.org

Last updated 7.iv.24.

Licenced under a Creative Commons, Attribution Licence-ShareAlike Please respect that and put an acknowledgement and link back to here if re-using anything from here.

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