This shows a histogram of your non-missing data (see summary to check if there were missing values)

You can change the number of bins in the histogram with the next next input:

You can use the dialogue below the plot to download it chosing the name and the format of the plot

Download plot

Thanks to Keith Newman for the download handler: shinyDownload

The table below gives some simple descriptive statistics for your data

Most of those names should be self-explanatory but Q05 is the fifth centile, Q25 the 25th, i.e. the lower quartile, etc.

Geek point: The quantiles and median are computed by R's default method, type 7. This may lead to small differences from values returned from SAS, which uses type 3 and from Minitab and SPSS which use type 6. see detailed wikipedia artile for much more detail on that probably entirely academic issue for our sorts of data.

This shows all the data for the selected variable. Buttons at the bottom allow you to export the data.

App created 22.iii.24 by Chris Evans

Last updated 26.iii.24.

Licenced under a Creative Commons, Attribution Licence-ShareAlike Please respect that and put an acknowledgement and link back to here if re-using anything from here.

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